UMAP ’17- Proceedings of the 25th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
SESSION: Keynote Addresses
After Twenty-Five Years of User Modeling and Adaptation…What Makes us UMAP?
I’ll be Watching You: Policing the Line between Personalization and Privacy
Emotion Analysis in Natural Language
SESSION: Long Papers
Long and Short-Term Recommendations with Recurrent Neural Networks
Using Learning Analytics to Devise Interactive Personalised Nudges for Active Video Watching
A Multi-Armed Bandit Model Selection for Cold-Start User Recommendation
Fine-Grained Open Learner Models: Complexity Versus Support
Where To Go Next?: Exploiting Behavioral User Models in Smart Environments
RouteMe: A Mobile Recommender System for Personalized, Multi-Modal Route Planning
Stereotype Modeling for Problem-Solving Performance Predictions in MOOCs and Traditional Courses
Learner Modeling for Integration Skills
Probabilistic Perspectives on Collecting Human Uncertainty in Predictive Data Mining
User Perception of Next-Track Music Recommendations
Adaptive City Characteristics: How Location Familiarity Changes What Is Regionally Descriptive
Imputing KCs with Representations of Problem Content and Context
Experimental Analysis of Mastery Learning Criteria
Group Recommendations by Learning Rating Behavior
Let’s Dance: How to Build a User Model for Dance Students Using Wearable Technology
Enhancing Student Models in Game-based Learning with Facial Expression Recognition
A Deep Architecture for Content-based Recommendations Exploiting Recurrent Neural Networks
Measuring Student Behaviour Dynamics in a Large Interactive Classroom Setting
Inferring Contextual Preferences Using Deep Auto-Encoding
Weighted Random Walk Sampling for Multi-Relational Recommendation
Inferring Students’ Sense of Community from Their Communication Behavior in Online Courses
Towards a Long Term Model of Virtual Reality Exergame Exertion
Get to the Bottom: Causal Analysis for User Modeling
SESSION: Short Papers
Interactive Prior Elicitation of Feature Similarities for Small Sample Size Prediction
An Analysis on Time- and Session-aware Diversification in Recommender Systems
Deriving Item Features Relevance from Past User Interactions
A Clustering Approach for Personalizing Diversity in Collaborative Recommender Systems
Personality Traits and Music Genres: What Do People Prefer to Listen To?
Improving Cold Start Recommendation by Mapping Feature-Based Preferences to Item Comparisons
The Force Within: Recommendations Via Gravitational Attraction Between Items
Modelling Embodied Mobility Teamwork Strategies in a Simulation-Based Healthcare Classroom
Providing Control and Transparency in a Social Recommender System for Academic Conferences
SESSION: Doctoral Consortium Papers
Towards Improving E-commerce Users Experience Using Personalization & Persuasive Technology
Analyzing the Impact of Social Connections on Rating Behavior in Social Recommender Systems
Personalized Research Paper Recommendation using Deep Learning
Conversational Group Recommender Systems
Smart Technology for Supporting Dance Education
Modelling User Behaviour based on Process
SESSION: Extended Abstracts
Recommender Systems as Multistakeholder Environments
Harvesting Entity-relation Social Networks from the Web: Potential and Challenges
Enhancing Collaborative Filtering with Friendship Information
Combining Supervised and Unsupervised Learning to Discover Emotional Classes
The Influence of City Size on Dietary Choices and Food Recommendation
Behavioral Patterns Mining for Online Time Personalization
Modeling the Dynamics of Online News Reading Interests
User Verification on Mobile Devices Using Sequences of Touch Gestures
User Modeling for the Internet of Things
Are Item Attributes a Good Alternative to Context Elicitation in Recommender Systems?
Item Contents Good, User Tags Better: Empirical Evaluation of a Food Recommender System
A Hybrid Recommendation Framework Exploiting Linked Open Data and Graph-based Features
Combining Long-term and Discussion-generated Preferences in Group Recommendations
Evaluation of Learners’ Adjustment of Question Difficulty in Adaptive Practice of Facts
An Evaluation of Learning-to-Rank Methods for Lurking Behavior Analysis
Learning Inclination to Empathy from Social Media Footprints
Using System Dynamics to Model Student Performance in an Intelligent Tutoring System
Measuring Bias in News Websites, Towards a Model for Personalization
A Unified Latent Factor Model for Effective Category-Aware Recommendation
Sequences of Diverse Song Recommendations: An Exploratory Study in a Commercial System
A Personalized Global Filter To Predict Retweets
User Expertise Inference on Twitter: Learning from Multiple Types of User Data
A Neural Time Series Forecasting Model for User Interests Prediction On Twitter
UMAP ’17- Adjunct Publication of the 25th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
SESSION: Late-Breaking Results, Demonstration and Theory, Opinion & Reflection Papers
Automated Data-Driven Hints for Computer Programming Students
A Comprehensive Approach to Group Recommendations in the Travel and Tourism Domain
Aspect-aware Point-of-Interest Recommendation with Geo-Social Influence
The TagRec Framework as a Toolkit for the Development of Tag-Based Recommender Systems
Everybody, More or Less, likes Serendipity
Learning User Preferences by Observing User-Items Interactions in an IoT Augmented Space
“OMG! How did it know that?”: Reactions to Highly-Personalized Ads
The Influence of Personality on Mobile Web Credibility
Leveraging Interfaces to Improve Recommendation Diversity
Personalised Diversification Using Intent-Aware Portfolio
Certificate Achievement Unlocked: How Does MOOC Learners’ Behaviour Change?
User Nutrition Modelling and Recommendation: Balancing Simplicity and Complexity
Toward Caring Assessment Systems
Semantic Interpretation of Search Queries for Personalization
Forró Trainer: Automated Feedback for Partner Dance Learning
A Web-based Application for Recommending Travel Regions
POSTER SESSION: Doctoral Consortium Posters
UMAP 2017 Doctoral Consortium Chairs’ Welcome
Adaptive Support For Group Formation In Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
An Approach to Social News Recommendation based on Focused Crawling and Sentiment Analysis
Addressing Temporal Aspects in User Modelling
Modelling User Behaviors with Evolving Users and Catalogs of Evolving Items
Modeling and Developing a Learning Design System based on Graphic Organizers
Propensity Modelling for Intelligent Content
UMAP’17 Workshops & Tutorials Chairs’ Introduction
SESSION: EdRecSys: Educational Recommender Systems
UMAP 2017 EdRecSys Workshop Organizers’ Welcome & Organization
Comparing Peer Recommendation Strategies in a MOOC
Content Wizard: Concept-Based Recommender System for Instructors of Programming Courses
Course-Driven Teacher Modeling for Learning Objects Recommendation in the Moodle LMS
Discovering Hidden Course Requirements and Student Competences from Grade Data
RUTICO: Recommending Successful Learning Paths Under Time Constraints
Personalized Behavior Recommendation: A Case Study of Applicability to 13 Courses on edX
SESSION: EvalUMAP: Towards Comparative Evaluation in User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
2nd International EvalUMAP Workshop (EvalUMAP2017) Chairs’ Preface & Organization
Layered Evaluation of a Personalized Interaction Approach
Synthesis & Evaluation of a Mobile Notification Dataset
On the Reusability of Personalized Test Collections
Generating Labeled Datasets of Twitter Users
Measuring Predictive Performance of User Models: The Details Matter
Proposing an Evaluation Task for Identifying Struggling Students in Online Courses
A Corpus for Modeling Personalities of Web Forum Users
SESSION: HAAPIE: Human Aspects in Adaptive and Personalized Interactive Environments
Personalizing Social Influence Strategies in a Q&A Social Network
A Personalized Interaction Approach: Motivation and Use Case
A Detailed Analysis of the Impact of Tie Strength and Conflicts on Social Influence
The Influence of City Size on Dietary Choices
International Large-Scale Assessments and Culture: Implications for Designing Educational Technology
Individual Differences in Music Video Interaction: An exploratory Analysis
Towards Adaptive Height-Aware Public Interactive Displays
Real-Time Public Transport Navigation on Smartwatches: A Comparison with a Smartphone-based Solution
SESSION: PALE: Personalization Approaches in Learning Environments
UMAP 2017 PALE Workshop Organizers’ Welcome
Should Learning Material’s Selection be Adapted to Learning Style and Personality?
Education-specific Tag Recommendation in CQA Systems
Should We Give Learners Control Over Item Difficulty?
Modeling Psychomotor Activity: Current Approaches and Open Issues
Experiences Using an Interactive Presentation Platform in a Functional and Logic Programming Course
SESSION: PATCH: Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage
UMAP 2017 PATCH 2017: Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage Organizers’ Welcome
Do Museum Visitors See what Educators Want Them to See?
Empowering CH Experts to Produce IoT-enhanced Visits
A Social Cultural Recommender based on Linked Open Data
Busy versus Empty Museums: Effects of Visitors’ Crowd on Users’ Behaviors in Smart Museums
When will Cultural Heritage Content Creation Get to the Digital Age?
Thematic Maps for Geographical Information Search
SESSION: SOAP: Surprise, Opposition, and Obstruction in Adaptive and Personalized Systems
Introducing Surprise and Opposition by Design in Recommender Systems
Graph Embedding Based Recommendation Techniques on the Knowledge Graph
A Framework for Computational Serendipity
Distance- and Rank-based Music Mainstreaminess Measurement
SESSION: THUM: Temporal and Holistic User Modeling
UMAP 2017 THUM Workshop Chairs’ Welcome & Organization
An Approach to Improve Physical Activity by Generating Individual Implementation Intentions
Social Recommendation with Time and Sentiment Analysis
Predicting Age and Gender by Keystroke Dynamics and Mouse Patterns
User’s Social Media Profile as Predictor of Empathy
HappyFit: Time-aware Visualization for Daily Physical Activity and Virtual Reality Games
SESSION: WPPG: Fifty Shades of Personalization – Workshop on Personalization in Serious and Persuasive Games and Gameful Interactions
A Gamified System for Influencing Healthy E-commerce Shopping Habits
An Adaptive Learning with Gamification & Conversational UIs: The Rise of CiboPoliBot
A Comparison of System-Controlled and User-Controlled Personalization Approaches
Investigation of the Social Predictors of Competitive Behavior and the Moderating Effect of Culture