The Best Paper award goes to:
Pelánek, Radek (Masaryk University), Řihák, Jiří (Masaryk University)
Experimental Analysis of Mastery Learning Criteria
James Chen Best Student Paper Awards go to:
Hutt, Stephen (University of Notre Dame), Mills, Caitlin (University of British Columbia), Bosch, Nigel (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign),
Kristina Krasich ((University of Notre Dame), James Brockmole (University of Notre Dame), Sidney D’Mello (University of Notre Dame)
Out of the Fr-“Eye”-ing Pan: Towards Gaze-Based Models of Attention during Learning with Technology in the Classroom
Guerra-Hollstein, Julio (Universidad Austral de Chile), Barria-Pineda, Jordan (University of Pittsburgh), Schunn, Christian D. (University of Pittsburgh),
Bull, Susan (University College London), Brusilovsky, Peter (University of Pittsburgh)
Fine-Grained Open Learner Models: Complexity Versus Support